👇 FAQs

  • Yep! Completely free. In the first session, you’ll meet with Marilyn to chat more about your artist goals.

  • HEADS on TV Sessions allow you to meet regularly with HEADS on TV founder Marilyn Moser. Think of her as your stand-in manager: she can help detangle any issue you’re running into when it comes to your artist journey.

    She’ll organize your bigger artist goals, help you put together a release strategy, brainstorm TikTok ideas, or you can bring your own questions about social media, the music industry and anything else on your mind.

    You’ll meet on a schedule that you both determine makes sense for your goals and calendar.

  • Sessions are $150 per hour. You won’t have to sign a year-long contract: you can come and go from your session schedule as you please.

  • Sessions are 1 hour, and we typically meet once a month.

    Can’t meet that often? No worries! You’re free to take breaks from our session schedule as needed.

  • Click here to learn more about our founder, Marilyn Moser—she’ll be in each session with you.

  • Submit your name and email address using the form at the top of this page, and we’ll reach out with next steps.