RETRO TECH: Why You Should Recycle Vintage Cassettes and Camcorders For Your Next Music Marketing Campaign

HEADS on TV Retro Tech Marketing Ideas 2021.png

What do a Motorola Razr and your next single release have in common? Marketing ideas, of course!

Here are some ways you can incorporate retro tech in your next promo campaign (and how you can help the environment while doing it).

๐Ÿ‘‰ Save dusty tech from a landfill.

Many local thrift spots have buckets of unsold vintage tech otherwise destined for a landfill. And if you can't find what you're looking for, ask around to family + friends who lived through that decade!

๐Ÿ‘‰ Easily build your marketing storyline.

Incorporating communications-related tech is an easy to way to build a storyline for a music video conceptโ€”text message cheating scandals, anyone?!

๐Ÿ‘‰ Never worry about your marketing looking dated.

If you hone in on a decade from the past as your inspiration, "aging out" isn't a possibility. Your concept is already from another time period!

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